Extractables and Leachables Testing

Extractables and Leachables Testing

Extractables and Leachables (E&L) testing provides vital information concerning the potential for impurities deriving from container closure systems, drug delivery devices and manufacturing processes. 

This contamination can present a risk in terms of both patient safety and product efficacy. 

With an array of modern technologies, knowledge of regulatory issues and complimentary CMC analytical capabilities, we are your ideal partner for extractables and leachables testing.

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Extractables and Leachables testing

Extractables and Leachables Testing Services

The Resolian UK dedicated Extracables and Leachables team designs bespoke study protocols in accordance with the latest regulatory guidelines to ensure drug product safety and compatibility with storage and delivery devices.

  • Extraction under exaggerated or simulated use conditions
  • Accelerated leachable studies
  • Screening and compound specific validated assay methods
  • Characterisation of unknowns
  • Toxicological assessment 

All testing is performed at our cGMP facilities in the UK.

Extractables and Leachables Method Development and Validation

Learn more about our bespoke method development and method validation services.

Extractables and Leachables studies utilise organic and inorganic screening methods to profile extractables from polymeric componentry, see the table below for examples, and target leachables in final drug product formulations.

Drug Container / delivery devices 
Vials, ampoules and bottles
Blister packaging
Process components and consumables

Our expertise in assessing extractables and leachables testing includes: